Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Bedtime Story
When you add colic and reflux into the mix, putting him to sleep as a newborn was pretty much a nightmare. He had to be swaddled, rocked and patted just so. Eventually, he would give up the fight and fall asleep. We stopped swaddling him many months ago (when we started finding him with his swaddle wrapped around his neck), but the need for rocking and patting stuck – not as easy a feat at 17 pounds as it was at 7.
I read somewhere that you can start sleep training any time between 4 and 6 months. That seems pretty early to me because I don’t feel like babies (mine at least) understand well enough at that point that to get it. But then I started to realize that since the little man gives pretty obvious cues that it’s time for sleep - rubbing eyes, irritability, yawning - maybe it was time to start trying.
So one day, instead of battling the kicking and screaming and pinching, I thought I’d try putting him down in his crib when it became evident that he was ready for bed. I gave him his pacifier, patted his back and then backed far enough away from the crib that he couldn’t see me. He cried a bit, I waited, he cried some more, I went back and patted him again. And then, something miraculous happened. He rolled over and went to sleep. It was amazing.
At this point, the method we use really only works for us about 60% of the time. Other times, the screaming gets so loud and so intense that we just can’t take it. My husband’s success rate is a bit lower than mine because he gives in more quickly than I do, but we’re working on it. Part of me cannot wait for it to work all the time, but there’s a tiny part of me that wants to hold on to those moments when only being in my arms puts him to sleep.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
There were three in the bed.....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Giveaway winner!
To celebrate the official debut of Littlesaur, we decided to give one lucky winner a copy of The Happiest Baby on the Block - every parent I know swears by this book to help their little one settle down and sleep peacefully.
To choose a winner, we visited to generate a random number between 1 and 6 (since we had 6 entries)...
...and gave us this winning number:
Lucky commenter #2 was Jessica J.!
Thanks Jessica! Drop us an email at and we'll get your book sent out to you!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
Three years ago, I was wrapped up in a somewhat whirlwind relationship with the man I knew I would eventually marry. One day, it was like a light bulb went on and we went from kind of knowing each other to practically living together in a matter of weeks. I was the happiest I had ever been, even though our relationship was putting serious kinks in my previously free-as-a-bird lifestyle. Oddly, this perfect man of mine’s desire to be a father was starting to change my long held views on the subject of parenthood.
Two years ago, I was newly engaged. We had set a wedding date a year and half in the future and I couldn’t have been more excited to plan my wedding. Also, we were anxiously awaiting the birth of my sister’s baby at the end of the summer. Life was changing so quickly, I think I must have been dizzy. By this time, I knew we would have children one day, but one day still felt pretty far away.
One year ago, I was entering the second trimester of my very unexpected pregnancy. It’s always been said that the women in my family are hyper-fertile, but I never believed it. My husband likes to think it was actually his super sperm, but whatever the case, we were thrilled to be expecting. Our wedding day was rapidly approaching and the enthusiasm I once had for wedding planning had long since worn off. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted nothing more than to be married, it was the wedding I could have done without. I was too busy thinking up names for the baby girl I was convinced we were destined to have.
And that brings us to today. Our little surprise is now a babbling, rolling, teething, 6-month-old little man. Because I grew up in a house full of girls, baby boys are not a species I am extra familiar with. I had no idea that everything in his path is to be kicked, poked, pulled or prodded. I didn’t realize that a man's indescribable need to disassemble things is innate (as is the tendency to throw a fit when they are unable to put them back together exactly right). And most importantly, I never knew that baby boys could be sooooooooooo much fun.
The giveaway is over!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Nappy Rash - What do YOU do?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tinysaur is Sick!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Introducing a giveaway!
To celebrate Littlesaur's official debut, we're hosting a giveaway of our favorite book for new parents - one randomly chosen reader will win a brand spankin' new copy of The Happiest Baby on the Block:
Dr Karp's simple, practical methods help even the fussiest babies settle down and sleep peacefully, and every new parent I know swears by this book - most of them call it magic!
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment below telling us what you think of the new site - and don't forget to check out Pregosaur, as we're having a giveaway there as well!
The Rules...
- only one entry per person, please
- the contest will end this Friday, May 22 at midnight (Pacific Time)
- the winner will be announced in a new post on the following Monday - so make sure you check back in!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Crying, crying, crying
However, the holiday was great - I got to catch up with my Mum and my 3 year old nephew, did lots of shopping and managed to freeze my butt off (why did I choose to holiday to a destination only 40kms away from ski slopes??). But the whole time I was given advice and told that Tinysaur was spoilt, and that I shouldn't hold her constantly and that I should learn to put her down while she is screaming and upset and go back in a few minutes to pat her bottom and teach her to 'self soothe'.
Well after the 4 hour return journey (complete with Tinysaur's constant whingeing, and sobbing followed by deadly silence where she had cried herself to sleep) I dove into my latest collection of library books, including 100 Ways to Calm the Crying by Pinky McKay.
My personal opinion is this: everyone has differing opinions on whether or not to do 'control crying'. You can find a million books for and a million books against, but in the end it's what YOU as the mother thinks you should do. And what works for others might not work for you. In the end I have decided that the times when I know she is overtired and cranky I will swaddle her tight, put her in her cot and let her cry for 1 minute at a time before going into soothe her. And the other times when I don't know why she is crying: I will give her as much love and cuddles as she needs for her to feel better. And who knows: what worked today might not work tomorrow or next week. But it's all a learning curve, and ultimately: its what you are comfortable in doing with your child - and Tinysaur won't remember when she is older that I let her cry for a few minutes in her cot when she was 4 months old.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day
So I got up, and I swear: I was the only mother in the world up at 5:30am with a squealing baby. Well at least it felt like that. So we watched TV and played under her swinging toy gym until 9:30 when Daddysaur finally emerged from his lovely warm bed all refreshed and ready for the day. And while he energetically played with Tinysaur, I slumped on the lounge, looking a mess and wishing it was 7pm and bedtime. But I rang my Mum, wished her Happy Mothers Day and opened my present from Tinysaur and Daddysaur: a framed family photo. How cute!! I love it.
And thanks, Daddysaur, for the lovely bottle of Ricadonna, too. It went down a treat!!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
And then the big brown shark came....
After quickly washing and making sure the floor wasn't too slippery, I undressed Tinysaur and carried her into the running water. Now, we BOTH love this time. It's the only real bare skin contact I have with her (as she is bottlefed), and we just stand there and cuddle with the water massaging us for a good half-hour. It is truly beautiful and a highlight of my days off.
Yesterday she was kinda windy (not out the mouth - if you get my drift). All of a sudden, all I could smell was really bad baby fart. REALLY bad. So I giggled and lifted her up so I could look in her face and poke my tongue out at her and tease her for farting. Only to discover that a little nugget had attached itself to my arm. No wonder she had been so quiet and extra cuddly.
Shock. Horror. OMG. I have been peed on, spewed on, cried on, and now POOED ON.
So where to go from here? Well - it was a fairly firm nugget (yay for Farex!!) so I'm glad it wasn't too liquid. But that left me with the method of disposal. I was NOT going to mash it down the drain. So dripping wet, juggling baby, and the aforementioned nugget I managed to put it in the bin, wrap us up warmly, and clean off poor little Tinysaurs bum. At the time, it was... unpleasant.... But now I can look back and laugh. And good news: she isn't too stuffy anymore!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Year Ago Today...
My phone had been on silent all through the doctors appointment, and when I got out of the surgery and checked it I found Daddysaur had tried ringing 36 times. Either he was really scared about the whole deal or really excited. So I rang him with the news, and we both agreed to keep it a secret until the ‘safe’ time – around 12 weeks. This pregnancy was NOT planned, and I think I can pinpoint it to one very drunken night, but we were still uber excited and could not wait.
On the 15th January at 5:55am my little angel was born. We had always wanted to find out what she was, but I got the surprise of my life when they pulled her out and she was a perfect little girl. Daddysaur was absolutely smitten, and to this day remains wrapped around her little finger. The birth was not easy, I had such high hopes for a drug-free birth but getting induced sped the labour up from around 22 hours (average labour for first-time Mum) to 5 hours. In the end, I had an episiotomy, and she had no heartrate when she was pulled out as she was very stressed. But I only had gas and a pethidine shot, so I was quite pleased that I had managed with that! Although, I must say: next time I’m seriously thinking about an epidural.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Great parenting resources
Parenting advice and tips from baby to big kid.
The Bump
Helpful resources and online forums from conception to 6+ months.
Mayo Clinic
Medical advice on infant and toddler health, plus tips on feeding, vaccines, getting your baby to sleep through the night, and more.
Full of resources for parents with children of all ages.
Today's Parent
The online version of Today's Parent Magazine.
Know of any great resources you'd like to share? Comment below!
About the blogs
- A parent of a baby or toddler
- Willing to share the details of your journey (even the TMI ones!)
- Committed to posting a couple of times per week
- Able to write for an audience (if you currently blog, include a link so we can take a look - it's OK if you don't, you just need the ability to compose a compelling post and keep a reader's attention - include a draft post or two so we can check out your writing style)
Trying to conceive? Already pregnant? Adopting? Want to blog about it? Get in touch with us at
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BC - Birth Control
BF or BF'ing - Breastfeeding
DC - Dear Child (of either sex)
DD - Dear Daughter
DH - Dear Husband
DS - Dear Son
OB/OBGYN- Obstetrician or gynecologist
PG - Pregnant