Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Very Busy Day

So, today I decided to go downtown, do some clothes shopping, shop for Tinysaur, and also do the grocery shopping. Uhuh. Apparently I thought I could do all that while sleet fell down and I froze my butt off.

First stop was the doctors. While I sat there and got my depo, and a whooping cough/tetanus shot, Tinysaur gurgled and murmured happily in her pram. We then weighed her (8.7kgs/19 pounds), measured her length (67cm) and her head circumference (52cm). (Daddysaur later informed me that her head circumference hadn't changed since birth... I had to remind him that she was 52cm LONG at birth, while her head circumference was only 36cm.... Men...)

Then it was her turn. After spitting up half the medicine on the nurse, we then progressed to her Infanrex shots and another one (I can't remember the name). She cried for a bit, but then focused on her bottle shortly after. So, finished at the doctors, we then moved past all the swine flu patients in the waiting room and headed off shopping...

And what a day we had! I got lots of new clothes for me (I recently culled all my clothes so that I didn't get depressed trying to squeeze into Australian Size 12 jeans), plus got some cute new clothes for Tinysaur and an ADORABLE ear-covering sparkly blue and white beanie for her, as well as shopped for a lovely shiny set of saucepans (which I christened tonight), and a lovely set of sharp knives (which I also christened on our steak and potatoes).

Now, Tinysaur is zonked out on the lounge with Daddysaur.. We had such a big day! Maybe tomorrow we'll just relax at home...


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